Reinventing Retail: Timeless Italian Fashion for Every Occasion



  • Website UI/UX
  • System Integration
  • Data Migration
  • showcase_img

    Use Case

  • E-commerce
  • Website
  • Inventory Management
  • showcase_img


  • Italian Market
  • Fashion Retail
  • showcase_img

    Tools Used

  • Shopify Plus
  • Matrixify
  • Multifeed
  • Challenge

    Inefficient store administration, high expenses, restricted scalability, and poor adaptability were caused by legacy systems and an inflexible SFCC platform.

    1. Outdated Systems: Costly legacy systems with limited scalability.

    2. Lack of Agility: Inflexible SFCC platform slowed market response.

    3. High Costs: Expensive IT maintenance constrained innovation.

    4. Complex Management: Inefficient store management harmed user experience.

    Key Findings


    Increase in Online Conversion Rate

  • Targeted digital marketing increased Conbipel's online conversion rates significantly.
  • 2

    Diverse Traffic Sources

  • Conbipel’s diverse traffic sources reflect a strong digital presence.
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    Bounce Rate Reduction

  • Faster website loading times improve user experience and lower bounce rates.
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    Revenue Growth & Optimized Advertising Spend

  • Successful online campaigns and wise budget allocation led to higher revenue and better ROAS.
  • Our Approach



  • Conduct a thorough investigation and create a clear migration road map.
  • 2

    Custom Solution Design

  • Optimize current systems by implementing unique features and integrations.
  • 3

    Agile Implementation

  • To reduce disruptions, execute a gradual migration with continuing testing and refining.
  • 4

    Performance Optimization

  • Prioritize speed and user experience improvements with analytics for data-driven decisions.
  • integrations


    Custom Shopify apps integrated SAP, Fluent Commerce, and Unomi.


    Matrixify App migrated historical customer and order data.


    Multifeed App managed custom data feeds for Meta and Google.


    Shopify Flow automated inventory management.


    Migrated Conbipel from Salesforce Commerce Cloud to Shopify Plus, enhancing agility, reducing IT costs, and improving performance with seamless integrations and custom developments.

    Platform Migration

  • Migrated from SFCC to Shopify Plus with multi-market setup and customized UI/UX.
  • Custom Feature

  • Implemented custom PayPal partial capture, Endless Aisle for in-store orders, and automated inventory alerts.
  • System Integrations

  • Integrated Fluent Commerce (OMS), Unomi CDP for customer data, and SAP for catalog and pricing.
  • Optimization

  • Optimized marketing feeds, enhanced GA4/GTM strategy, and streamlined multi-market inventory management.
  • Outcome

    Migrated from SFCC to Shopify Plus, improving agility, reducing costs, and optimizing UI/UX with a multi-market setup. Integrated Fluent Commerce, Unomi, and SAP while enhancing data management and custom solutions..

  • SFCC to Shopify Migration : Multi-market setup with custom UI/UX.
  • Improved Agility & Cost Savings: Enabled new marketing techniques and reduced IT costs.
  • Seamless Integrations: Integrated Fluent Commerce, Unomi, and SAP.
  • Custom Solutions: PayPal capture, Endless Aisle, inventory alerts.
  • Optimized Data & Management: Enhanced GA4/GTM, marketing feeds, and inventory handling.
  • Result
  • Successful Migration: Completed SFCC to Shopify Plus migration within two months.
  • Improved Agility: Enabled new marketing techniques like Live Shopping.
  • Cost Reduction: Likely reduced IT costs, a key migration goal.
  • Integration Challenges Overcome: Resolved issues with Fluent Commerce and SAP through manual adjustments.
  • Download full Case study from here

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